Do you know the color of your personality?

If your first reaction is: uhm…why would I care? – Then trust me, I have been there, but hear me out!

Have you ever took or thought about taking a personality test??…. Okay, I get that, you know yourself, but what if after filling out a personality test, you will know yourself even better? And this is not all!!!!  There is another upside to personality tests and that is the knowledge you will gain about others around you. You will understand other people’s reactions better and you will figure out ways to communicate with them easier. Think about this… whether you are still in school, trying to adult successfully, or trying to kick some butt in the business world, wherever you are headed in life…you will have to talk to people. You will have to figure them out (sometimes in a couple minutes) and you will have to know how to communicate with them!

Well…if there is something that can help you understand everyone around you, why wouldn’t you take advantage of it?

Mark Accetta is a successful business man, who in the past 30 years has mastered all the different areas of sales from direct sales to recruitment, management, and training. I found this free personality test on his website and I thought I should spread the joy and knowledge on here too.  🙂


The test took about 5-8 minutes which is not too bad. It was fun to think about the questions and see how well do I know myself. When you receive your results there is a video, a list and a descriptions of other colors 🙂 Much much fun!

Click on this link to Marc Accetta’s website to fill out the personality test

Good luck!

Ted Talks’ Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love

“Taking a job just to build up your resume, is the same as saving up sex for old age” – Warren Buffett

Ted talk: Scott Dinsmore – How to find work you love


I truly recommend this Ted talk to everyone. Millions of graduates get out of school not having any clue what they want to do with their lives. Millions of people work at jobs that they don’t enjoy and have a strong hate for Mondays. Scott Dinsmore talks about finding ways to identify what you are passionate about. Find out what you like to do, find out what you are excited about and what you want to pursue.

He says there are two reasons why people don’t do things:

  1. They tell themselves they can’t do them
  2. People around them tell them they can’t do it.

Either way they either give up or don’t even start!!

“Surround yourself with people who motivate you, who make you happy, who inspire you! Environment is everything, people around you matter! You don’t need to change your goals, you need to change your surroundings.” -Scott Dinsmore

“You are the average of 5 people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn

He addresses a great question at the end:

What would the world look like if 80% of the people would like and enjoy what they do? How would people treat each other then?…it would be a whole lot different world for sure!