ADD post: not sure if I am addicted to coffee or…

if I am just addicted to the process of making it, sitting down and sipping on it in the morning while enjoying a piece of peanut butter and jelly toast/rice cake or just food in general. Actually…any food…hmm…this brings up a whole new topic…am I addicted to food? Food… I miss you…oh a banana!


Oh look, I took this picture this morning. I am very proud of it. It looks healthy and happy…happy that it can be eaten by me. (It can be eaten by me is probably the weirdest sounding not correct and passive something english sentence ever…I remember something from english class) I have been trying to get very creative with those rice cakes…maybe not eating carbs is driving me a little cra….oh hey I just thought about this other picture, look:


Those are with peanut butter and bananas…yummm…I am making myself hungry.  Yes, I am Hungarian and I am hungry… here is a tip that can follow you through your entire life:

If you wanna keep your dignity, don’t ever make this joke to a Hungarian: Are you a hungry Hungarian? (You can thank me later)

Anyway, I might have had a little bit too much coffee today because I am having a hard time not moving around or stop shaking my legs or finishing one senten…

Have a great afternoon everyone!


This mug is almost as big as my head!! How great is that?:D

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